In Loving Memory
NOPE Task Force invites you to create a memorial for your loved one lost to drugs or alcohol. You may share your loved one's story, memories and photos on their personal memorial site. Friends and family may also pay their respects by lighting a candle with a message.
When we have done all the work we were sent to do, we are allowed to shed our bodies, which imprisons our soul like a cocoon encloses the butterfly and when the time is right we can let go of it. Then we will be free of pain, free of fears and free of worries - free as a beautiful butterfly returning home to God...
~ Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Find a Memorial
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Jonathan Maxwell |
Light a Candle |
Jennifer May |
Light a Candle |
Philip May |
Light a Candle |
Jeffrey McClellan |
Light a Candle |
Stephany McClure |
Light a Candle |
Mehgen McCormick |
Light a Candle |
Tasha McCraw |
Light a Candle |
Brady McCready |
Light a Candle |
Brady McCready |
Light a Candle |
Jennifer McElheny |
Light a Candle |
Michael "Magou" McGuirk |
Light a Candle |
Rodney McMillan |
Light a Candle |
Danielle McMinn |
Light a Candle |
Danielle McMinn |
Light a Candle |
Justin Jules McRee |
Light a Candle |
Mark McReynolds |
Light a Candle |
James Mello |
Light a Candle |
Joshua Merrifield |
Light a Candle |
Mary Mickelsen |
Light a Candle |
Brandon Mickens |
Light a Candle |
Gabriel Miller |
Light a Candle |
Katelyn Miller |
Light a Candle |
Steven T. Miller Jr. |
Light a Candle |
Andrew Milliner |
Light a Candle |
Kenny Mills |
Light a Candle |