Endorsements & Accolades

Director Bill Janes, Florida Office of Drug Control
I am writing to continue the support of the Florida Office of Drug Control for the Narcotic Overdose Protection and Education (NOPE) Task Force. During my recent visit, I was very impressed with the work the NOPE Task Force was doing and their obvious commitment to being a very effective prevention initiative in Palm Beach and Broward Counties. I believe their continued expansion will be invaluable to your region and our state.

Collective Quotes from National, State and local Dignitaries
1 Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi Congratulates NOPE's 10 years Success
It has been a pleasure working with you and your team since being elected Attorney General. Preventing prescription drug abuse is the most effective way to save lives, and your work has been vital in lowering the number of prescription drug overdoses in Florida.
Chester County District Attorney's Office
NOPE is a valuable resource to inform both our young people and adults about the dangers of prescription and illegal drugs.
Director Gil Kerlikowske, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
I left the vigil with hope and an even stronger commitment to reducing drug use and its consequences in my role as Director of national Drug Control Policy
Director Gil Kerlikowske, White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
Participating in a vigil can help rasie awareness about a serious bu preventable problem...

Florida Police Chiefs Association Supports the NOPE Task Force
The Florida Police Chiefs Association endorses the work of the Narcotics Overdose Prevention Education Task Force in its efforts to eliminate the abuse of illegal and legal drugs, particularly amongst teens and young adults.

Florida Sheriffs Association Endorsement
The Florida Sheriff's Association endorses the work of the Narcotics Overdoes Prevention and Education (NOPE) Task Force in its efforts to eliminate the abuse of illegal and legal drugs, particularly among teens and young adults in Florida.
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
We are writing to express our heartfelt thanks for your contributions to our report and to the success of our town hall last week. The feedback on the event has been uniformly and extremely positive!
Journeys Academy, Mike Icardi, Principal
On December 2nd, 2010 the NOPE group delivered a presentation to our 11th and 12th grade students. Druing the presentation, every attendee was thoroughly invested in the contendt due to its meaninffulness and relevance. Even the school staff felt the weight of the presentation and its message.
Sheriff Jack Parker, Brevard County Florida
We consider ourselves very fortunate to have your support and partnership in this initiative. The men and women of Brevard County Sherriffs Office look forward to future oppurtunities to work with you and NOPE in both collection and National Candle Light Vigil efforts to combat pharmacutical drug abuse.

Alison Alder, Chief, Division of Safety and Learning Environment School District of Palm Beach County
The Safe and Drug-Free Schools Advisory Council has approved the NOPE presentations for seventh and eighth grades and High Schools in the School District of Palm Beach County. We are deeply moved by the heartfelt and heartbreaking presentations that you offer. We appreciate the community efforts and collaboration that have made these presentations possible. We acknowledge the support of the Superintendent and other leaders in the district and our community.
Certificate of Commendation - Hillsbourough Board of County Commissioners
The Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners is grateful to the many partners that make up the NOPE task Force for their commitment to this important and life-saving community service.
Hillsborough County Public Schools
The District Review committee met on May 26, 2011 and reviewed your proposal to provide presentions to district middle and high school students relative to narcotcs overdose prevention. Your proposal is approved

The School Board of Broward County, Florida
Thank you for offering the services of your organization to students in Broward County Public Schools. The support and involvement of the community helps classroom teachers provide the best possible learning experiences for their students.
Tom Halll, UCF Director Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention & Intervention Strategies, University of Central Florida
As a university director I would like to express my support for NOPE Task Force. The University of Central Florida has partnered with NOPE since 2006 holding presentations and was proud to hold this first candle light vigil in 2007.

2 Jeff Kottkamp, Lieutenant Governor, State of Florida
Thank you for your letter outlining NOPE's efforts on substance abuse prevention. Col. Bill Janes has shared with me the good work of your organization. Law enforcement officers, legal and healthcare professionals, and loved ones see the effects of drug abuse everyday. Reaching out to students about the dangers of drug abuse by those who directly deal with drug abuse is not only a wise strategy, it is imperative.
3 Director Bruce Grant, Florida Office of Drug Control
I urge you to become involved in a NOPE chapter in your community and provide help for those at risk or who are suffering from addiction. Your involvement is a great help to your community and to Florida.
4 Director Bill Janes, Florida Office of Drug Control
Becoming involved with or forming a NOPE chapter in your community is an outstanding way to provide immediate help for those at risk or addiction. Your involvement will create a safer Florida