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NOPE Task Force – Narcotics Overdose Prevention & Education

Parent and Community Presentations

Drug prevention is a community issue. Each year, new studies indicate the vastness of drug use in our schools. NOPE realizes the importance for educators and parents to understand the issues related to drug use in order to learn how to make a difference in their childrens' lives. NOPE offers parents, caretakers and communities interactive presentations that inform participants about the reality our nation faces regarding substance abuse and overdose death, along with suggestions and parenting strategies to combat the issues.

The ninety (90) minute agenda includes a law enforcement official who can describe the current trends in substance abuse and overdose death, an addiction/parenting specialist defining addiction and offering parenting strategies, and finally an emotional testimony from a parent who has lost a child to drug overdose. Questions are answered by the professionals following the presentation.

The forum advocates the NOPE LOCK THEM UP campaign, a positive immediate action step for parents. Parents are requested to look through their medicine cabinets and discard expired medications as well as all medications that are no longer needed, then inventory the remaining medications and LOCK THEM UP to prevent teens from pilfering the pills. A Medication Log Book is distributed to the parents along with a guide of commonly abused prescription medications.

Message to Parents:

  • Prevent Overdose - Lock up your medications™
  • Parents are the number one protective factor for kids
  • Encourage family meals

To request Medication log or Truth & Consequences: what every parent must know booklet click here. Please indicate request in comment area.

To schedule a presentation in your school click here, please indicate your request in comment area. Note, presentations may be scheduled only in areas where a NOPE chapter exists, for information on forming a chapter contact NOPE.